Three Happy Teenagers Showing Off Their Beautiful Smiles

Making Oral Care Cool For Teens

Making oral hygiene important or “cool” for teens is no easy task. As any parent knows it can be difficult to get a teenager to practice good oral hygiene, or to even take out the garbage. The teenage years are full of distractions teeming with junk food, soda consumption, coffee, and sometimes an unwillingness to brush or floss on a daily basis. To motivate your teen’s interest in oral care try the following technology. Teens love tech and gadgets, so why not give it a shot. The important thing is to let your child or teen choose the item. If they like it, they will be more likely to use it.

  • Teen Brushing Teeth With Electric ToothbrushThe Electric Tooth Brush: This is a no-brainer since it’s easier and faster and techy, all three things that resonate with teens. You will have to pay more for this but it last longer than a toothbrush and is more effective.
  • The Water Flosser: Flossing the old-fashioned way can seem tedious. Using a water flosser or power flosser are easier and more fun! Even teenagers seem to love the idea of power washing their teeth.
  • The Shower Flosser: This makes it even more convenient to floss your teeth. Simply attach a unit to your shower head for mess-free flossing!
  • Natural Sweeteners: Many new snacks and candies contain a non-sugar sweetener which is effective in fighting off plaque and cavities. Research shows that xylitol protects teeth from decay so try some sugar-free sweetened gum or mints.

Things to Watch Out For With Your Kids Teeth

Here are a few things to keep an eye on when caring for your child’s teeth. Dark or brown spots on teeth, which can be cavities. Yellow stains on the teeth and along the gum line which could mean that teeth are not being cleaned properly. And also, redness or irritation of the gums or other tissues which implies that the affected areas are not being cleaned thoroughly or are experiencing an inflammatory reaction.

If you need ideas or guidance regarding how to teach or motivate your children to brush and floss and the importance of oral hygiene please contact Northgate Dental and ask us. We will be more than glad to help with any advice we can. Or if you prefer, just request an appointment and we will provide a free consultation for you and your child. Our practice is built around your smile.

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